Also referred to as Photon Microneedling & Collagen Induction Therapy
Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that rejuvenates the skin and boosts collagen production within the treatment area. A device called the Mesotouch Plus Photon Pen utilizes multiple fine needles within the tip create controlled punctures punctures in the top layers of the skin. Photon Micro-needling combines conventional microneedling with the added benefit of LED light therapy, which stimulates the biological activity of the skin at the cellular level. This combination triggers the body to create new collagen, as well as surge nutrient rich blood to the treatment area to nourish the skin and promote healing.
Results may include improved texture and firmness, reduction in the appearance of scars and stretch marks, pigmentation, and refine pore size. Numbing creams are applied before treatment to minimize any pain or discomfort that may be felt during treatment. You can also combine microneedling with microdermabrasion!
Wrinkles and skin laxity
Removes deep scarring (acne , surgical)
Boost Collagen
Minimizing pore size & black heads
Stretch marks
Reduce and improve sagging and visible signs of aging
The objective with MicroNeedling is to stimulate or puncture the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production, smooth the skin, and promote scar or stretch mark reduction through the skins natural wound healing process..
For medical grade microneedling, the target of the needles and penetration is the upper dermis called the intermediate reticular dermis.
MicroNeedling has been compared to many high profile modalities such as laser (fraxel) & micro-ablative techniques (CO2), and in many cases, provides equal or better results, but with less cost and minimal down time.
It is the only rejuvenation treatment that maximizes penetration of essential cell nutrients and the release of growth factors necessary for skin rejuvenation.
Targets the keratinocyte, melanocyte and fibroblast to regulate their function
Induces production of good collagen, not scar collagen
Must apply cell nutrients to the skin, after Micro Needling for optimal results
Medical MicroNeedling can be done every 4-6 weeks
30-45 mins treatments
Minimal down time, redness may last 24-48 hours
Suitable for all areas of the body
Suitable for all skin types, consultation recommended
Must not use on broken, irritated or inflamed skin
Not suitable for anyone who has taken accutane within the past six months
All treatments include a full skin analysis, allowing customization of treatments for optimal results!
Please note clients under 18 will need parental signature