Lumecca IPL
Lumecca ipl treatments are here!
It's bound to happen to everyone. With age, the skin tone becomes uneven and dark spots appear that only get worse with time. You think you have no choice but to succumb to the visible signs of aging, but you can fight back and turn back the hands of time. Look in the mirror and love what you see!
Lumecca is a photo-corrective procedure that targets brown and red discoloration, sun damage, freckles, and age spots. This treatment can be performed on any area of the body or face.
What does it do?
This treatment targets pigmentation and vascular lesions. To help fight back against the damaging effects of the sun’s rays there is Lumecca, InMode’s breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) skin rejuvenation technology that allows us at Prairie Bliss to treat a variety of skin types and conditions with fewer sessions than might be needed with other standard IPL devices.
What is IPL and what is it used for?
IPL, or Intense Pulse Light delivers broad-spectrum pulses of light to the skin to achieve colour correction or photorejuvenation.
This light energy is absorbed by the hemoglobin in small, superficial blood vessels which causes the vessels to collapse and reduces the appearance of redness and telangiectasias!
The IPL energy can also be used target brown spots- as melanin containing cells absorb the energy and are destroyed by it.
IPL can also be used for photorejuvenation, a form of anti-aging treatment, due to its ability to promote collagen remodelling in the superficial dermis.
How many treatments will I need?
While this can vary slightly person to person, on average we recommend the follow:
3-5 sessions for vascular lesions such as rosacea or facial telangictasias, with sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart
1-5 sessions for brown pigmented lesions such as sun spots, with sessions spaced 3-4 weeks apart
1-5 sessions for photorejuvenation, with sessions spaced 3-4 weeks apart
Do I need a consult?
Yes, it is a requirement that all clients have a consult before beginning IPL treatments for the first time. During this consult, your esthetician will explain what to expect and perform a patch test to evaluate your skins reaction to the procedure.
Who is not a good candidate for IPL?
-Those with lots of hair in the treatment area
-Those with Fitzpatrick Skintypes 5 and 6 or who are extremely tanned
-Anyone who is pregnant or breast feeding
-Anyone with significant immunosuppression or poorly controlled endocrine disorders, anyone with active skin conditions in the area to be treated (ex. dermatitis)
-Anyone with a disease known to be stimulated by heat (ex. epilepsy, lupus, urticaria, etc.)
-Anyone who has used Accutane in the previous 6 months
If you have a history of cold sores you may need a course of prophylactic antibiotics.
What to expect during and after the treatment?
Mild discomfort during the procedure is to be expected. After the treatment the area may be bumpy, warm to touch, be reddish in colour and form small blisters. Bruising may occur. Do not pick or scratch the area. You can apply cold compresses (not ice) for comfort, if needed. As the skin barrier is not compromised during IPL, it is safe to resume wearing makeup. Avoid heat, sweating and steam for the first week. You will need to wear SPF for a minimum of 3 weeks before and after each IPL sessions (please note that diligent sun protection is the best way to prevent the development of new pigmented lesions!)
Please also ensure that all self-tanning products are discontinued 2 weeks prior to IPL.
Brown pigmented lesions may become darker in the days following the IPL treatment (due to aggregation of the melanin particles) and then develop a crust which flakes off after approximately 7-10 days. It is important not to pick at this crust, but to let it flake off on its own.
Price List
Prices are per treatment.
Please note clients under 18 will require a parent/guardians signature.
Face $255
Face & Neck $325
Face & Neck & Decolette $380
Custom Pricing at Consult for Areas not listed