Hot Sculpting Body
Contouring Laser
Say good-bye to your stubborn fat and cellulite! This highly effective body contouring alternative targets “problem” areas such as the abdomen, flanks, glutes, thighs, and upper arms for fat reduction. The fat cells can be targeted and shrunk by positioning the laser pads on these stubborn areas and the smaller laser pads on the lymph nodes to dilate them and allow the liquefied fat and toxins to flush through the body.
This treatment dilates the non-porous adipose tissues to become porous then liquefying the fat content within the fat cells. The content is then transferred into the lymphatic system, then the fat content and toxins are excreted out of the body naturally. The combination of treatments, 30 min of exercise daily, and a healthy diet will lead to healthy and sustainable body contouring results.
No anesthetic, needles, incisions, or scars!
Quick Results
Visible results may be seen in as little as three treatments.
Pain-free Treatment
No pain or discomfort is felt during or after treatment.
Minimal Dieting Required
A well-balanced diet should be used in conjunction with Hot Sculpting treatments to achieve optimal results.
No Downtime
Resume most regular activities immediately, as well as any physical activity of any level.
Permanent Results
Results that last - in the event that you experience weight gain after treatments, your body will re-distribute the weight more evenly.
Staff Support
Prairie Bliss staff will monitor your progress by taking photos and measurements at regular intervals to ensure that you are seeing results and staying on track with your goals.
Skin Tightening
This treatment in combination with a healthier lifestyle aid in the reduction of cellulite and tighten the skin. This may help to improve the appearance of the skins texture.
Natural Looking Results
Low levels of laser energy emitted by the Hot Sculpting stimulate the fat cell membranes, changing their permeability. The cells lose their round shape and intracellular fat is released. Then the fatty triglycerides flow out of the disrupted cell membranes and into the interstitial space, where they gradually pass through the body's natural metabolic functions via the lymphatic system with no harmful physiological effects. This process does not alter neighboring structures such as the skin, blood vessels, or peripheral nerves. Side effects may include redness, itchiness, or small blisters.
Note that you must do 30+ minutes of high intensity exercise the day of the treatment, and the two days following. Avoid consumption of alcohol for 3 days after each treatment, and ensure you are maintaining adequate hydration!
During your treatment series, be sure to follow the rules of 20s- 20% more water intake, 20% fewer calories, and 20% more exercise!
Keep in mind that results vary based on homecare, lifestyle, metabolism, medications, and body type.
Client Hot Sculpting Before & After
Actual Prairie Bliss clients pictured, but many of our clients prefer not to share their pictures as this is a personal journey for many!
Affordable treatments that rejuvenate, restore, and refine your body.
Recommended Series of Treatments
We recommend a series of minimum 12 treatments booked once every 3 to 7 days.
Price List
Book your free consultation with Prairie Bliss today!
Please note clients under 18 require a parent/guardians signature.