Belkyra, also known as Kybella™ in the U.S., is a revolutionary new non-surgical treatment for improving the appearance of fullness under the chin. When injected into the tissue, the active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, targets and eliminates fat cells. It is a Health Canada and FDA-approved injectable designed to restore your chin definition without the invasiveness and downtime of traditional liposuction or plastic surgery. The procedure is highly effective for most.

Good candidates for Belkyra are individuals who:

  • Have mild to moderate neck fullness

  • Have minimal excess skin

  • Have good skin elasticity


How does Belkyra™ work?

Belkyra™ is administered in the office by our licensed injector to patients deemed appropriate following consultation. It is a simple series of injections beneath the chin that typically requires only 20-30 minutes to perform. This same series of injections is repeated 2-4 times on average, spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart. Once your goals have been met, repeat treatment is not expected.

What to expect from recovery after Belkyra:

Minimal downtime is one of the benefits of Belkyra over more invasive procedures, including a neck lift and/or liposuction. Intense feeling of heat is experienced, but an ice pack is applied immediately post treatment which significantly helps with discomfort. The heat subsides in about 15-30 minutes. Patients often report experiencing some degree of both numbness and swelling following the administration of Belkyra. While the swelling of the area will usually last approximately one week, the duration of the numbness may be longer.

+ What is Belkyra?

A permanent injectable treatment designed to get rid of submental fat (aka double chin). Belkyra is the only Health Canada approved injectable treatment for this purpose. Belkyra contains deoxycholic acid, a substance which is found naturally in the body and serves to breakdown dietary fats. When a series of injections are administered under the chin, Belkyra eliminates fat cells beneath the chin, helping you achieve a more defined jawline!

+ How many treatments will be needed?

Typically, 2-3 treatments will be required, about 1 month apart. 2 sessions is the minimum we recommend. Occassionally, up to 6 treatments may be necessary for optimal results. Improvement is often seen after one treatment, with best results being observed 3 months following the final treatment. Results are considered permanent and re-treatment following the initial series is not required (provided a stable weight is maintained).

+ What to expect?

The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, discomfort and numbess. The swelling can last for up to 2 weeks. Typically, side effects become less with each subsequent treatment. We recommend allowing 4 weeks between the appointment and any special events.

Preparing for your appointment: Avoid alcohol 48 hours before your appointment. If you have a beard or facial hair, please arrive clean shaven for your appointment.

Aftercare: Do not rub or massage the treatment area. Avoid anti-inflamatory medications, alcohol, strenous exercise, sun exposure, caffeine, and nicotine for 3-5 days, as well as spicy, high-sugar or high-sodium foods as these may contribute to swelling and irritation. Avoid other cosmetic injectable treatements and facials for 2 weeks. Sleep on your back with your head elevated for 3-5 days.


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